
Bond Duration: An Important Consideration Managing Bond Portfolio Risks

Most investors will admit that they have themselves, or know someone, that has refinanced their home mortgage in the last six years because interest rates were so low.  The financial media has led average investors to believe that interest rates are so low that there is no other direction but higher.  In the face of…
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How Can Today’s Technology Transform Your Financial Life?

  For investors who can remember rotary phones, mimeograph machines and switchboard operators, they most likely are unaware of how today’s technology can transform their financial life. For that matter, the vast majority of investors are stuck in what has proven to be the arduous task of keeping up with all of their banking, lending…
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Fiduciary Duties Managing Pension Assets within a Self-Directed Brokerage Account

It is natural to expect pension plan participants to seek financial advice concerning one of their largest financial assets. How can a financial advisor help provide financial advice and what responsibilities are owed according to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) for their recommendations to pension plan participants.  A financial advisor can provide…
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Why Is Sequence of Return Risk So Important for Retirement Planning?

What’s more important, the investment rate of return or the order in which the investment returns are realized? Ask any investor and no doubt the prevailing sentiment would be the rate of investment return. In fact, the sequence of investment returns may be just as, if not more, critical to your retirement assets once withdrawals…
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