Florida Retirement System (FRS) provides two retirement plan alternatives to the employees covered under the state pension plan. The defined benefit plan is called the FRS Pension Plan and the defined contribution plan is called the FRS Investment Plan. For retired employees in the FRS Pension Plan benefits are paid monthly with the amount based…
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Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act Provides Tax Relief to PBSO Deputies and Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Professionals from Early Retirement Withdrawal Penalties
The Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (H.R. Bill 2146), also known as the Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act, became effective December 31, 2015. The new tax law expanded the exemption for many federal public safety employees to include federal law enforcement officers, customs and border protection officers, federal firefighters, and air traffic…
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A Financial Plan Annual Review Can Help You Stay on Course
Another year has come and gone. It’s hard for some individuals to not feel a sense of regret as time keeps marching by and there always seems to be so much to do, to keep up, to keep from falling behind, to accomplish the goals we want for ourselves and our families. I just had…
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Tis the Season for Tax Loss Harvesting
For investors with taxable investment accounts, tax loss harvesting can help avoid capital gains taxes that will be due on April 15th. Every investment portfolio has winners and losers. The key to effective tax loss harvesting is to take an inventory of your investment positions to determine whether it makes sense to sell investment…
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